In Northern Andros, nestled among mountains and ravines, lies an abandoned settlement, a place people left in the '60s and '70s seeking a more convenient life in big cities. Time has since moved gently here, with the settlement's large and small farmhouses slowly reclaimed by nature.
Today, the water from an ancient spring still flows year-round, and traces of human presence reveal themselves to visitors through remnants of the past.
When we stumbled upon this magical place some 15 years ago, we immediately felt the power of its tranquility and authenticity. We decided to invest not only our savings but also our spirit, working to revive this land with respect, preserving its history and essence. We purchased an old farm with a farmhouse, cellars, a stable, and remnants of a life connected to the earth, embarking on a journey of renewal.
Over the years, we created a new three-bedroom home from natural materials, restoring the original farmhouse and adding a second home with three bedrooms as well as an autonomous guest house. In the nearby gardens, we planted vineyards and established a small, diverse potager that we renew each spring to grow seasonal produce. We also acquired a small olive grove that yields oil, and we care for the old olive trees while revitalizing a small farmhouse, which we'll use as a studio for the arts. Here, visitors can find everything needed for painting, photography, and outdoor sculpture in an environment that honors simplicity and closeness to nature.
Our constructions are organic, built with earth, stones, local marble, wood, and lime. Without chemicals or toxins, we have created a space that breathes with the earth. In the courtyard, a 60-cubic-meter natural pool, filtered by electrolysis, offers moments of refreshment and relaxation, while the mountain's spring provides fresh water.
In collaboration with experienced farmers from the area, who deeply understand the land's needs, we cultivate and care for the trees and plants on our property. These people, with decades of experience, advise us on every decision, ensuring that the crops and species we maintain continue to flourish in harmony with the natural environment.
If you are a creative person seeking tranquility and inspiration far from the luxuries of tourist destinations, this place calls to you. You'll find an experience steeped in authenticity, in a place where nature and history blend harmoniously, offering you fertile ground for your own creative pursuits.